It was a busy one.

We went to Bristol Internation Balloon Fiesta on Thursday night for the ‘nightglow’ event – dozens of balloons lighting up in time to music; it was a pretty epic affair.
We met two really lovely families, one of which let us share their picnic blanket. It reminded me of how nice a city Bristol is, everyone around us seemed to be having a really good time, it was a really laid back atmosphere.
However, I never got to have a go on the carousel. Sad times.
We planned to go back to the fiesta on Friday and Saturday, but to be honest there was no need – we live about a 10 minute walk away from Ashton Court and everything which was happening at the fiesta we could see from our bathroom window!
Fast forward to Sunday, and I undertook a very tiring journey…

One of the home teams of Bristol Roller Derby, Daughters of Anarchy, organised a sponsored skate from Bristol to Bath along the old railway track, in aid of our chosen charity, Survive.
It was 15 miles of some of the roughest and most difficult surfaces I have ever skated on, but it was the most amazing experience. I was separated for most of it from the rest of the group, preferring the ‘slow and steady’ approach. The rougher parts really were hard, and only about 3 miles in I contemplated giving up, unable to take the vibration from the tarmac on my ankles and shins. I persevered, however, and on the smoother parts of the path it was thoroughly enjoyable skating with ease through the trees, taking in the sights beyond the edge of the path.

We stopped in Bitton to pick up some more travellers and saw a steam train! Y’all know how excitable I am around trains, this one tooted his whistle at us when it went past.
We finally made it into Bath after roughly 2 and a half hours of ankle-vibrating pain, and I can’t begin to describe how proud I am of myself. If you told me 5 years ago I would make a 15 mile journey on skates, not a car, I would have laughed in your face. I guess derby really can change a person.
If you would like to be an absolute babe and donate some money to the cause, you can find the donating page here. Thanks!

Obviously, I was absolutely Hank Marvin after my long day, and was craving cake.
I’d seen on Pinterest well over a year ago for a Blueberry Buttermilk Breakfast Cake, and had never got round to making it. I’ve never been the biggest fan of blueberries, but there was something about these pictures which had me craving this cake every time I looked at it. The power of good photography!
I made the cake and served it with creme fraiche, then suitably demolished it.
Hope you all had awesome weekends, too!