Photo courtesy of
Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending the Pretty Nostalgic gathering at the very beautiful Kings Weston house in Bristol.
Pretty Nostalgic is an independent magazine which started in the summer of 2012, which celebrates a love of the beautiful, the thrifty, and the historical. Their motto is ‘Spend Wisely, Waste Less, Appreciate More’ and captures the make-do-and-mend ethic of post-war Britain.
The gathering was the first of its kind, and was a glorious celebration of this; a real family friendly day out full of music and dancing, rooms and rooms of beautiful things and a whole host of stalls offering handcrafted items from artisan makers. It really was all my favourite things in one place!

I started the day with fellow West Country blogger Duck in a Dress, who was the first friendly face I met when I walked through the door. We received our press packs (I cannot begin to tell you how excited I was about this, I’d never got one before) and headed on through to the first of the talks, held by magazine founder Nicole Burnett.
She talked us all through the beginnings of the magazine, and her background as museum curator. The magazine itself is much like a museum exhibition, full of timeless images and inspiration which you can pick up and flick through time and time again. She emphasised the fact that the writers are always passionate and knowledgable about their subjects, which really is apparent when you read it.

The ethos of the magazine is to take inspiration from the past to live a simpler and happier life by buying less, creating, thrifting and recycling more, and buying things directly from the makers. One thing which really resonated me during the talk was when Nicole mentioned looking back when you’re sat in a nursing home at the age of 90 – the things you will remember will be the things which you have created, collected and surrounded yourself with, and not the items on your credit card bill.
The magazine is also working extensively with charities, and for every yearly subscription not only does the reader save £12 off the RRP price but Pretty Nostalgic will donate a further £12 to a selected charity. This month they are supporting Children in Need, with the idea that they will build up and eventually have an extensive list of charities which the reader will be able to choose from when they subscribe. If that’s not another reason to sign up I don’t know what is!
The next talk was by the lovely Annabelle Beeforth of Love my Dress blog, who was holding a Q&A session. She gave some really invaluable advice about blogging, especially the need to organise yourself, something which I think I’m lacking a bit at the moment! She has also just written a book in the Style Me Vintage series about weddings, which looks absolutely gorgeous. Even if you’re not planning a wedding it is lovely to flick through and find some inspiration.

I had a little wonder around and was able to take in the scale of the beautiful building, and also some of the makers who had set up stalls in the surrounding rooms. One was dedicated to vintage-styled weddings and was simply breathtaking – I’m probably not getting married any time soon, but all this talk of weddings isn’t half giving me ideas!

I was also quite excited to see that Pizza Monkey had set up outside! They did the catering at my work’s summer party and they make the most amazing handmade pizzas in their wood-fired oven. This was the ‘posh monkey’ – brie, mushrooms and truffle oil (plus loads of chilli flakes, because I cannot eat anything which isn’t smothered in something spicy), and needless to say it tasted as lush as it looks! I can’t quite believe I ate the whole thing.

Whilst munching on said pizza, a rather dapper-looking group of people arrived, promoting an event happening next summer – the Dig for Victory Show in Somerset, which having a peek at their website, looks absolutely awesome! I’m always quite jealous of people in WWII-era attire, and these folks were no exception, they really looked the part. I’ll most definitely be attending their event, I’d better get cracking on my outfit!

Perhaps the most exciting part of the whole day for me was the bloggers networking hour, which took part in the cutest yurt I have ever seen, set up by the Wedding Yurts company. We all crammed in and began furiously exchanging business cards – it was such a nice experience, and so lovely to put faces to names of blogs I have been reading for a while. Everyone was so friendly and full of amazing advice, and I have plenty of new blogs to read!
All this has made me wonder if I should have a blogroll section. All the best blogs seem to do it, and I think it would be pretty awesome to share with you all the blogs which I have been reading over the last few months which have really inspired me and made me smile. Watch this space!
All that remains is to thank everyone at Pretty Nostalgic for such a wonderful event, and for allowing me to be a part of the blogger’s hour. I can’t wait for the next one!