
Here on my small piece of the internet, all opinions, words and images are my own, unless otherwise stated. If you intend to use images and/or other content please email and give credit to ‘Lily Doughball’.

Every now and then I may be contacted by individuals or companies wishing to work with me in exchange for a review, a mention on my social media, or sponsored post on my blog. I am always happy to do so, but only if the product or service in question is in keeping with the theme of my blog, and I believe it to be something of genuine interest to my readers. I will always give an honest opinion, and clearly mark any gifted items with an asterisk (*), or clearly state that it is a collaborative or sponsored post. As of 1st October, I also use Skimlinks on the blog to make a small commission from affiliate links.

If you are a PR person and think I could represent your brand, then please do get in touch!

Lastly, I would like to say a massive thank you to every one who leaves a comment on one of my posts. I do try and get back to everyone but I am very forgetful; if you have a pressing question you can always tweet me – . I have recently started using Disqus on the blog and would love to hear your feedback on it, or any problems that might occur. Thanks!